And the title is …

Today, I’m pleased to share the title and release date for Elemental Assassin #11.

And the title is … drumroll please … Poison Promise.

Huzzah! I really like this title, which my editor, agent, and I all brainstormed together to come up with (although I think my agent is the one who actually suggested it in the end). I think Poison Promise fits in nicely with the plot, some of the themes in the book, and some of Gin’s feelings/attitudes as a character. Plus, the alliteration reminds me of Tangled Threads.

As of right now, Poison Promise is tentatively set to be published in July 2014, which means that the release date would be June 24, 2014.

I can’t say too much about the plot yet, just that the M.M. Monroe plot thread and story arc will continue in this book.

I will be sharing the cover art, excerpt, etc. as they become available. Anyway, hope everyone likes the title and is looking forward to the book.


Book #10I also wanted to let folks know that The Spider, Elemental Assassin #10, Dec. 24, is up for pre-order at a number of sites, including the following:


Barnes & Noble



It looks like Amazon is offering the print copy of The Spider for $4.79, which is a pretty good price for a paperback. I’m not one hundred percent sure, but I believe this is an Amazon-only promotion, as I don’t see the same price listed at Barnes & Noble. So if you want a print copy of the book, you may want to go ahead and pre-order it from Amazon so you can get the pre-order price.

Also, The Spider should be up for pre-order at other sites soon, including Kobo and Audible.

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8 Responses to “And the title is …”

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Believe me, I am writing as fast as I can. But I do need to sleep sometime. LOL. Anyway, glad you are looking forward to the book.

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Thanks! I appreciate that. I’m glad that I will be able to write more stories with Gin and the gang.

  1. Matthew Baker says:

    This is currently my favorite series, and I love how you have mixed fantasy with a modern murder/suspense story, with vampires, giants, dwarves, and magic. It’s awesome, and I love that you are such a prolific writer, coming out with multiple novels each year. I think that these would make great movies; have you ever considered pursuing that avenue? Also, whenever I read about Finnegan Lane, I always picture Matthew McConaughey. Love it!!

    • Jennifer Estep says:

      Thanks! I appreciate all the nice words about the series. Glad you are enjoying the books. There are free short stories on the website too, if you haven’t read them.

      I think it would be cool if the books were turned into a movie, but that’s not something I have any control over. Maybe it will happen someday, though. Fingers crossed, anyway. And McConaughey would be a good choice for Finn.

      • Matthew Baker says:

        I’ve read them all, read all of them numerous times…lol. You are definitely my favorite author right now. Thanks so much for writing so much and for taking the time to respond to me. Made my day!

        • Jennifer Estep says:

          Thanks! I appreciate that and all the nice words about my books. Glad you enjoyed the short stories too.

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