Listen to the first chapter of the Only Cold Depths audiobook …
Audible · Only Cold Depths – Chapter 1
Audible · Only Cold Depths – Chapter 1
Tags: About Books, Audiobooks, E-books, Galactic Bonds series, My Writing, On Writing, Print books, Science fiction
Read it now — Write Your Own Cake: Tips for Writing a Long Series has been released today, Jan. 14. Woot! GET THE EBOOK: Amazon Kindle Barnes & Noble Apple Books Google Play Kobo Smashwords This is a 2,100-word essay about writing and worldbuilding. The first essay in this series is Write Your Own Cake: A Worldbuilding Essay. If you →
MONDAY MORNING MAILBAG Question: Can you share your book/release schedule for 2025? Answer: Of course! Here is my tentative schedule. Please keep in mind that some of these dates might change due to various publishing whims: Jan. 14 — Write Your Own Cake: Tips for Writing a Long Series: This is a 2,100-word essay about writing and worldbuilding. The first →
Tags: About Books, Audiobooks, E-books, Essays, Galactic Bonds series, My Writing, On Writing, Science fiction, Section 47 series, Urban fantasy
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