815 and counting …
Finished Bad Girls Don’t by Cathie Linz. This is a book I got at the Berkley signing at RWA, and I met Cathie at my agency party. She was a really sweet lady. Very funny. Very friendly.
Bad Girls Don’t focuses on Skye Wright, a free spirit and self-described “bad girl” who teaches yoga and belly-dancing classes to make ends meet. It’s not long before she butts heads with Nathan Thorton, a by-the-book sheriff who has his hands full keeping the kooky characters of Rock Cree, Pa. in line. Sparks fly between the two, and, well, you can imagine what happens next.
This book is classified as a romantic comedy, but it reminded me a lot of the old screwball comedy movies, like Bringing Up Baby or His Girl Friday, both with Cary Grant. Lots of funny, slightly absurd situations. Lots of rat-a-tat dialogue. Lots of folks who are little bit off their rockers.
My only quibble is that the rapid-fire dialogue got a little hard to follow at times. I had to go back up and count down the lines to see who was saying what. But if you like eccentric characters driving each other crazy in a small town, you’ll like this book.
So, thumbs up.
Up next: Full Throttle by Wendy Etherington — A NASCAR romance.