Where to get Tangled Threads when it’s released …
The release date of Tangled Threads is inching nearer (25 days and counting down!), so I wanted to do a post about where to actually get the book once it’s released.
Why? Well, every time I have a new book out, I always get e-mails from folks asking where my books are available at. So I figured I would just do a post on it this time around.
Now, if you have an e-reader, you can just go to your site of choice (Amazon, Barnes & Noble, etc.) and download the book on April 26 just as soon as it gets posted. Bada-bing, bada-boom, it’s yours to read whenever you want.
But if you want a paper copy, things are a little trickier. As far as I know, copies of Tangled Threads will not be available at Borders, due to the chain’s bankruptcy issues. I’m also not certain if Walmart will order any copies. I’m waiting to get that information from my editor. I know a few people looked for Venom at Walmart back in October, but they didn’t order any copies of the book, which is why it wasn’t available there.
So if you want a paper copy, I would say look for the book at your local Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, or independent bookstore. I don’t have huge print runs, which means that most stores will only have a few copies of my books on hand at any given time. So if you want to get it the week that it comes out, I’d say your best bet would be to order it online through Amazon, B&N, BAM, etc.
As far as overseas readers go, I know several folks have mentioned to me that they use The Book Depository. It looks like Tangled Threads will be available there on June 1. Also, several bookstores in Australia, like Rosemary’s Romance Books and Intrigue, the Romance Book Store, usually carry my books. Other than that, I knew very little about where the book is available overseas.
Anyway, I hope that helps. Now if April 26 would just hurry up and get here already …
My independent bookstore will have it, as a matter of fact I have requested it to be there and already paid for it!!!!!!
Cool. I hope you enjoy the book!
It’s unfortunate that Wal Mart hasn’t carried your books in the past. Looks like I’ll be swinging by B&N and getting it there while my wife will buy it from Audible.com as soon as it’s released. We’ve both been dying to get our hands on the next installment but 25 days still seems like a loooong time. Luckily we’ve been slowly reading your short stories to get us through.
And of course, I completely forgot to mention the audiobooks in the post. Sigh. But Tangled Threads will be available from Audible like you mention.
Glad you guys are enjoying the short stories, and I hope you like Tangled Threads even more!
Borders has Tangled Threads available as pre-order. So far the Borders by my house has been getting the new releases so I’ll have to wait and see. There seem to be only two left in the Phoenix valley after several closed. B&N is just up the road. Either way TT will be in my hands.
Really? Hmm. Maybe they will have some copies after all. Anyway, I hope you enjoy the book when you get it.
I have an update. This info comes from Emma:
For NZ readers your books are available via http://www.fishpond.co.nz and http://www.mightyape.co.nz
Whitcoulls have them on their website http://www.whitcoulls.co.nz but not sure if will stock in the stores.
Thanks for the info, Emma!
Is there any chance that the short stories “Tangled Dreams” and “Tangled Schemes” will be available before the 25.04 ? *hope* (would be great because of the chronology)
I’m not sure. I’m still waiting for my publisher to decide what they want to do with the stories. I’m hoping to get an answer this week …