A real word hurter …


That’s the number of words I’ve written since Jan. 3. Yep, I have cranked out 50,000 words in less than a week. Heck, I wrote about 20,000 of them last weekend alone.

Why, you ask? Because I have foolishly decided that I need to write two, 50,000-ish rough drafts this month. This way, I can revise the spy book I hope to sell and then focus on promoting Karma Girl this winter/spring without trying to write something new in the middle of all the craziness. 

I finished one draft (clocking in at 40,000 words), and I’ve just started the second one (10,000 words and counting).

It sounds really impressive — until you go back and actually read what I wrote. Because believe me, these are some craptastic drafts we’re talking about. They’re not even really drafts, just more of detailed outlines. I try to get the basic story down with the scenes, characters, etc., and go back and fill in the details later. Usually, I have to do about four drafts, adding more detail every time, before I’m satisfied enough to send it to my agent.

My significant other jokingly calls me a word hurter. Well, I’m certainly hurting them now, with lines in my rough drafts like And then they have sex or my personal favorite at the moment, And then stuff happens. Seriously. And then stuff happens is as brilliant as I am right now.

And my wrist is absolutely killing me. But that’s another story …

What about you? What’s your writing process? Inquiring minds want to know …

5 Responses to “A real word hurter …”

  1. Brian says:

    It may be Brian Lamb of me to ask, but I hope you will share how you write.

    Do you use a dip pen like Shelby Foote, a typewriter like David Sedaris, or are you using a computer?

    Do you have a favorite time of the day to write?

    Where do you write?

    Answer these questions and I think you could count it as an appearance on Booknotes.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Oh, trust me. I’m nobody’s hero. Not with the first draft, anyway. I’ll post some of my sterling sentences later on, and you’ll see how craptastic it really is.

    You shouldn’t weep, Meljean. I read your post about how long you write. 150,000 words? In one coherent, cool story? Now, that’s impressive. 😉

    Brian, I’ll answer your questions in my next post, hopefully before the end of the week …

    BTW, I’m up to 20,000 in the second draft. If I push myself, I might be able to get through with it this weekend. Fingers crossed! If they don’t fall off before then …

  3. Edie says:

    You’re awesome, Jennifer. You make me feel like a slug. I pantsed my way through my wip, and now I have to gut my whole middle and I’m actually plotting. Next time I’m going to try it your way, just writing “And then stuff happens”.

  4. Jennifer Estep says:

    Believe me, I don’t feel awesome right now. Just rundown, tired, and cranky. Everybody writes at their own pace. This just seems to be the best one for me.

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