All about Kitty Boodle . . .


Kitty Boodle laying in the grass looking cuteQuestion: How old is Kitty Boodle?

Answer: Kitty Boodle will be 9 years old in November.

Kitty Boodle was a stray that wandered up to Little Debbie’s house one November day. Little Debbie (aka my mom) started feeding her, and the rest is history. Boodle was still more kitten than full-grown back then, so that’s why we think she will be 9 (or thereabouts) this year.

Growing up, we always had dogs, so Boodle is the first cat we’ve ever had. She is a totally spoiled, demanding little diva princess who knows exactly how adorable she is. 🙂

Don’ let that sweet face fool you. Boodle is quite the little huntress. One day a few years ago, I went into Little Debbie’s house. Boodle was nowhere to be seen. I came back outside five minutes later, and Boodle was on the porch – along with the live snake (!) she had just caught. I screamed my head off.

One of the smartest things I ever did was start putting a photo of Boodle in my monthly reading recommendation newsletter. I get more comments about Boodle than anything else, even my own books. LOL.

Little Debbie keeps saying that Boodle needs “royalties” for appearing in my newsletter every month. So I pay her in cat treats and belly rubs.

And that is the story of Kitty Boodle. She has brought so much joy and happiness into our lives, and I hope you all enjoy reading about her and seeing her photos.

How are your fur babies doing this summer?

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