I’m absolutely, positively thrilled to announce that I’ve sold two more Elemental Assassin books to Pocket. Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!
Okay, okay, I’ll quit huzzahing now.
I’m really, really happy that I’m going to be able to write some more books about Gin, Finn, and the rest of the gang at the Pork Pit. I think that I still have a lot of Gin stories to tell, especially since she’s so very good at getting into and out of trouble …
I just want to say thanks again to all the readers, bloggers/reviewers, bookstores, libraries, and everybody else who spreads the word about all the great books out there. This wouldn’t have been possibly without you guys, along with my friends, family, and all the other usual suspects.
Anyway, I’m doing the happy dance. 😉