I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope you can spend the day with family, friends, and loved ones — and that Santa brings you plenty of good books to read in the new year. 😉
May your day be merry and bright!
I just wanted to wish everyone a Merry Christmas. I hope you can spend the day with family, friends, and loved ones — and that Santa brings you plenty of good books to read in the new year. 😉
May your day be merry and bright!
Tags: General musings
I can’t believe it’s just a week until Christmas now. Where did the month go? Heck, where did the year go? It’s a mystery to me. LOL.
Anyway, I know folks will be super busy with holiday stuff, and I’ve got several family things coming up, so I’m going to slack off on blogging for the next week. I plan to resume my usual Monday-Wednesday-Friday blog schedule on Dec. 27.
Until then, here’s some Friday fun: the trailer for the Thor movie that’s coming out in May. Maybe I’m a little bias because my new Mythos Academy YA series is about Greek, Norse, and other gods, but I think the movie looks pretty cool. Gods and superheroes in one movie — stuff is sure to blow up. 😉
So stay warm, stay safe, and brave the malls to get those last-minute gifts … if you dare. 😉
Tags: General musings
As y’all know, I’ve been writing short stories to go along with my Elemental Assassin series. I plan to write at least one short story to go with Tangled Threads, probably from Jo-Jo Deveraux’s point of view.
I’ve been offering the stories for free here on the Excerpts page my website, but for Tangled Threads (as well as for my new Mythos Academy young adult series), I’m also thinking about offering the short story as a 99-cent download on Amazon. (I believe 99 cents is as low a price as you can set on Amazon.)
Why the change? Well, I think putting the story on Amazon would attract some new readers to my books. I know when I’m interested in a book, I tend to look at the links to similar books and click on those. Plus, a lot more folks visit Amazon than look at my website, and I think it would be a relatively easy way to market my books. And I’ll be honest, it might be a little bit of money in my pocket.
I know that not everyone has an e-reader and that not everyone who has an e-reader has a Kindle, so I’d probably post the short story for free here on the website like normal. I’m still thinking about that or if I want to go whole hog and make the story available in a variety of e-formats. Really, it would just depend on the cost.
I know some authors have had enormous success marketing their books through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other retailers. But I’ve also seen blogs by other writers who’ve only sold a few copies and haven’t even recouped the cost of putting the books online in the first place. I guess I’m considering posting a short story as sort of a test run. I’ve got a couple of books that I’ve written that just aren’t right for traditional publishers for whatever reason. I figure they should do more than just collect dust in my computer. LOL.
What do you guys think? Do you download cheap reads on Amazon? Would you download an Elemental Assassin or a Mythos Academy short story? Share in the comments.
Wheezely sent me an interesting link the other day: Why Did You Buy Me That. It’s a website devoted to the worst gifts ever.
Why did he send me this? Well, one year for Christmas, my stepmother bought me an olive tray. Seriously, an olive tray. I didn’t even know they made such things. For those of you who don’t know, an olive tray is a long, skinny dish that you put olives in to serve them. The only problem is that the dish is so long and skinny that nothing else will fit in it, except for Hershey Kisses lined up one by one. There was also a jar of black, nasty-looking olives to go along with the tray.
Needless to say, I don’t like olives, and this was one of the worst gifts I’ve ever gotten. It’s right up there with a men’s manicure set that another relative bought me one year when I was a kid. Yep, a men’s manicure set. I don’t know what that person was thinking, especially since I was like ten or twelve at the time. And, you know, not a man.
So anytime anyone complains about terrible gifts, I just look at them and say olive tray. So far, none of my friends have been able to top that. I don’t know whether that’s good or bad. LOL.
What about you guys? What’s the worst gift you’ve ever gotten? Share in the comments.
Tags: General musings
I just found out that Spider’s Bite has been nominated for Best Paranormal Fantasy in the Goodreads Choice Awards 2010. Huzzah!
I seriously doubt that I’ll win, given the number of best-sellers in the category, but I’m thrilled to be nominated. Here’s the link to see the nominees and vote for your favorite.
And, yes, I’ll admit it — I totally voted for myself. 😉
In other news, Venom was also given an honorable mention as one of the Best of 2010 by Preternatural Reviews. That’s something else I’m doing the happy dance over.
I just want to say thanks again to all the readers and reviewers out there. The response to the Elemental Assassin series has been awesome, and I hope you guys like the next two books even more. Happy reading, everyone!
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