It’s been a while since I’ve done an update post, so here goes:
I’ve written both Tangled Threads and book #5. The only thing I have left to do on Tangled Threads is okay the page proofs, and then my part on that one will be done (except of course for the massive blog tour). Huzzah!
I’ve turned in the revisions for book #5, so up next will be the copy edits and page proofs (hopefully after the holiday madness is over with). My editor, agent, and I are still thinking about titles for book #5, but I think we’ll have that nailed down soon. Fingers crossed anyway.
I’m planning to write at least one short story to go along with Tangled Threads, but it will be well after the first of the year before I get around to doing that. I think the story will be from Jo-Jo’s point of view, though. I’m also thinking of making the story available here on the website for free and possibly on Kindle as a 99-cent download. We’ll see what I have the time/energy for. LOL.
I’ve turned in the revisions for Touch of Frost (book #1), and I’ve also turned in the manuscript for Kiss of Frost (book #2). Up next is writing book #3. I’m also hoping to get some cover art for Touch of Frost to share soon.
I’ll also be posting a FAQ, character profiles, and more info about the series here on the blog (like I’ve done for the Elemental Assassin series) probably in the next few weeks, so be on the lookout for that.
I’m also mulling over writing a new series. Not sure yet if it will be urban fantasy, paranormal romance, or another YA series. I have an idea in mind, but it could go either way. We’ll see how it turns out.
Also, I’m hoping to finally do something with the fourth Bigtime novel, Nightingale, next year — maybe seeing if I can get it published as an e-book. It just depends on my schedule. I’ve already got enough book work to keep me busy for the year, so I’ll have to fit it in when I can. No promises.
Anyway, that’s what I’m up to right now. Whew! It’s going to be a busy year ahead. Hopefully, y’all will enjoy the books, and all the hard work will pay off. Fingers crossed anyway. 😉