With all the guest blogs that I’ve been doing for Web of Lies, it’s been a while since I’ve done an update post on what I’m working on. Here goes:
1. As most of you know, Venom, the third book in the Elemental Assassin series, comes out on Sept. 28. I’ve finally gotten the final cover art, which is posted here. Huzzah! The book is also available for pre-order at Amazon and Barnes & Noble.
2. What’s even better is that I now have Venom bookmarks as well. As always, these are free to readers/bookstores/libraries/etc. However, I do ask that folks send me a SASE to help me cover postage costs. If you want some bookmarks, send me an e-mail, and I’ll tell you how to get them.
3. During the summer, I plan to write at least one free short story (maybe two) to go along with Venom, just like the free stories that I’ve done for Spider’s Bite and Web of Lies. I’m also hoping to get the website updated this summer. We’ll see how it goes.
4. In other news, reader response to Web of Lies has been really great. I just want to say thanks to everyone who’s taken a moment to drop me an e-mail and let me know how much they enjoyed the book. Thanks, everyone!
5. As for what I’m writing, I just turned in the final page proofs for Venom, so I have a bit of a break from the Elemental Assassin series right now. I’m using the down time to try something new — a contemporary romance. It’s set in a small Tennessee town and focuses on an event planner who’s so strapped for cash that she agrees to plan her ex-boyfriend’s engagement party to another woman — and ends up falling for the other woman’s brother along the way.
After that, I have an idea for a romantic suspense/heist book about a woman who gets mixed up with a group of thieves. After that, I have an idea for another urban fantasy series … I think I’m going to have a busy summer, writing-wise. LOL.
Okay, I think that’s a wrap for now. Happy reading! 😉