A while back, David Wilk was nice enough to record a podcast interview with me talking about Spider’s Bite, writing, reading, and more. You can now check out the interview here.
Happy listening! 😉
A while back, David Wilk was nice enough to record a podcast interview with me talking about Spider’s Bite, writing, reading, and more. You can now check out the interview here.
Happy listening! 😉
Is over at All Things Urban Fantasy. Enjoy!
Tags: About Books, On Writing
So apparently, you can now get Spider’s Bite through Amazon and Barnes and Noble, even though the official release date is not until Tuesday, Jan. 26. Huzzah! I’m glad folks are going to be able to get the book a few days early.
I also find this kind of funny, especially over at Amazon. Everyone always talks about the immediacy of e-books, how you can pay for it and start reading it literally a minute later. But it looks like you can’t get the Kindle version of Spider’s Bite until Jan. 26 (although that version is cheaper than the paperback). Oh, the irony …
And there are already used copies up on Amazon! What’s up with that? I get folks reading the paperback and then selling/trading it on Amazon or wherever. I don’t keep every book that I get/read, and I admit that I love trading them in at my local used bookstore for other books. But used copies already? I guess it’s just the weirdness that is Amazon sometimes …
Anyway, if you do snag a copy of Spider’s Bite this weekend, happy reading! 😉
So I noticed something weird on the Spider’s Bite page at Amazon. It now says that the book will be “in stock Jan. 23.” Maybe that means the book will start shipping on Jan. 23 instead of on Jan. 26? I don’t know. Apparently, you can now post reviews on the page too.
Being the curious sort, I also went over to the Spider’s Bite page at Barnes & Noble. Over there, it now says that the book ships in 2-3 days.
And hey, if you like e-books, the versions at Amazon and B&N are actually cheaper than the paperbacks — less than $7.
I might have to slip off to my local bookstore this weekend and see if I can snag an early copy myself (since I haven’t gotten my author copies yet). 😉
Is over at Literary Escapism. Check it out!
Tags: About Books, On Writing
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