Well, the good news just keeps on coming here in the land of Estep. Guess what my editor sent me yesterday? Cover art for Web of Lies, which I am happy to share with you here.
So shiny! So pretty! So very Gin! 😉
This is not the final cover, although I don’t think that it will change too much from what you see here.
Once again, kudos go out to the awesome Tony Mauro, who’s the artist (he also did the fantastic cover for Spider’s Bite). I didn’t think I could have a better book cover than the one for Spider’s Bite, but luckily, I think that Web of Lies is just as cool!
Also, in other news, Web of Lies is now up for preorder at Amazon. So go forth and click and pay, if you so desire.
Once I get the final-final cover, I’ll get some bookmarks made, design some info flyers, etc. I’ll keep you posted on when those will be available, especially the bookmarks. But for now, I’m just going to bask in the awesome that is this cover. So shiny! So pretty! So very Gin!