Okay, the Web site guy tells me that everything is more or less resolved. There might be a few more tweaks this weekend when the site might go down briefly, but that should be it. Huzzah! I’m so happy that the site is finally back up. I’ve really missed blogging and interacting with readers. 🙂
So I thought I would do a quick update about what’s going on with the Elemental Assassin books. The first book, Spider’s Bite, will be out on Jan. 26 (getting close now!). If you’ve looked at the rest of the site, you’ve probably seen the cover already. But here it is again in all it’s glory. Pretty cool, huh? In case you were wondering, the cover was designed by Tony Mauro, who I think did an excellent job.
Last week, my editor send me a mockup of the cover for the second book, Web of Lies (due out in June 2010). I can’t share it just yet, but it looks just as cool as Spider’s Bite does. The art department really outdid themselves. Kudos to them.
The third book, Venom, will be out in October 2010. I won’t see any cover art for it anytime soon.
In the meantime, to whet folks’ appetite for the series, there’s a free prequel short story called Spider’s Bargain posted here on the Web site. It’s on the Excerpts page, along with the first chapters of all three books. I plan to do free short stories for each of the books. I’ll probably start working on the one for Web of Lies in a few weeks. There’s also a lot of info on the Elemental Assassin series in general on the site. So go check out all the new shinies. 😉
So that’s what’s been happening in the world of Gin Blanco lately. I hope you guys like the new look of the site. I also want to give a big shoutout and kudos to my Web designer, John of Atomic Cherry. I really think he did an excellent job with everything. Thanks so much John!
So what have you guys been up to while I’ve been incommunicado? Share in the comments.