You’ve still got time to mail your taxes out, if you haven’t done it yet. Get thee to the post office!
‘Tis done … for now
So I finished writing/editing/polishing my young-adult fantasy, Quiver, this weekend. Now, it’s time to send it to my agent to read.
Quiver word count: 74,000. I’m not quite sure if this is the right length for a YA or not. I’ve been reading some YA lately, and it seems to me like the length varies wildly from book to book. I wonder if maybe Quiver needs to be a little longer — 85,000 words or so. But then again, I didn’t want to bog the story down with needless description.Â
We’ll see what my agent says. She might tell me that the story sucks out loud and that it’s not even the sort of thing editors are buying right now.
Up next? Well, I think I’m going to write a contemporary romance while my agent reads Quiver and another proposal I’ve sent her. I’ve already got my title in mind — Blackberry Falls.
I’ve never written a contemp before, but I’ve been wanting to try ever since I read Sugar Daddy by Lisa Kleypas. If you haven’t read Sugar Daddy, do yourself a favor and go out and buy it. Yes, it is that good. 😉
What about you guys? Anyone working on anything interesting right now? Share in the comments.
Just a reminder …
That I’ll be doing a Q&A on writing and signing books tonight, April 13, starting at 7 p.m. at the Bristol Public Library in Bristol, Va. The event should last about an hour or so and is part of the library’s celebration of National Library Week, April 12-18.
Even if you can’t come to my event, I hope you’ll go to your local library this week and check out all the wonderful books and programs that the library has to offer. And be sure to tell your librarians how awesome they are. Because they really do rock.
Especially you, Super-Librarian Amy! :ww:
Happy Easter!
Hope everyone has a great Easter weekend. I’m going to color eggs with the Mom, then eat waaay too much turkey, dressing, and other yummy stuff.
Have a great holiday! :bubbles:
Today’s post …
Is over at Something Wicked. And there’s a giveaway. Check it out! :ww:
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