So I met with my critique group last night. I’d sent them some sample chapters of Quiver, my young-adult fantasy, to look over. The general conscensus was that my second effort – making my main character, Gwen, more of a Robin Hood-type outlaw — was much better and more in keeping with my voice.
That’s good and made me feel like I was going in the right direction with the book …
Until this morning, when I had yet another idea — to make Gwen more of a Scarlet Pimpernel-type character and basically switch her role with that of her love interest’s.
I think it’s an idea that has merit, but argh!!! :hulk:
Now, I don’t know what to do — keep going with what I’m doing or go back to the beginning again and start over. I’ve never had such problems deciding what to do with a book before. Sigh.
But at 36,000 words in my second draft, I think I’m just going to keep going and finish this draft out. Then, I’ll let it sit for a few weeks and see what I’ve got. Hopefully, even if I do decide to change Gwen’s character yet again, I’ll have enough good stuff from the second draft to help me make the changes relatively quickly.
Oh yeah, and sometime during all this, I want to start working on the rough draft of Elemental Assassin 4.
So hello, computer. I think you and me will be spending a lot of time together this weekend … :rolleyes: