So I’ve got two of my Christmas family gatherings over with this weekend. Three more to go.
On Saturday, I cleaned, did errands, wrapped presents, baked a cake, did laundry, drove an hour to see my dad and stepmother, opened presents with them, drove back, had dinner with Wheezley, and then hung out with some friends the rest of the night. Whew! I’m still tired.
Hopefully, this week will be a little less hectic. At least I don’t have to drive as far to see the rest of my family.
The most interesting thing I’ve gotten so far? A box of holiday Tic-Tacs (from the same person who gave me the olive tray). I don’t have any great fondness for Tic-Tacs, so they were a surprise. I think the person needed a filler present, since they were in a box with a very nice down vest. So it was all good. 😎
What about you guys? Have you started visiting friends and family yet? Looking forward to it or stressing out about it? Share in the comments.