So I got my butt in gear, wrote 13, 248 words, and finished the rough draft of Assassin 3 this weekend. Huzzah! :ww:
Word count: 90,016.
How long it took me to write: About 6-8 weeks.
Finishing the craptastic first draft: Priceless.
I’ve written/revised the three Assassin books back-to-back-to-back since June, so I’m taking a couple of weeks off from heavy-duty writing before I start doing revisions for my editor on Assassin 1 and hear what my agent thinks about Assassin 2. I think I’ve earned it.
I’m planning to dive into my TBR pile and whittle that down a little before Christmas rolls around. I also need to do some other housekeeping stuff, like clean my house and update the Web site (and finally post the first chapter of the Assassin book for you guys to read).
But I’m looking forward to a little break from writing — at least until I get another idea for a new book. 😉
What about you guys? Anyone do anything fun this weekend?