And I, for one, am glad. Maybe now the media will talk about something other than politics. You know, other important things that are happening in the world, along with arts and books and movies and music.
A girl can dream anyway … :rolleyes:
And I, for one, am glad. Maybe now the media will talk about something other than politics. You know, other important things that are happening in the world, along with arts and books and movies and music.
A girl can dream anyway … :rolleyes:
Because you have the wonderful freedom to.
Because folks have died and sacrificed so much so we can have this right.
Because people in other countries don’t have this choice.
And because you’ve got no right to bitch about things if you don’t. :joecool:
So I got some mildly disappointing news last week. My publisher is going to let the trade edition of Karma Girl go out of print.
My agent says this is pretty typical once the cheaper mass market edition comes out. And, given the craptastic economy, it’s not very surprising at all. Why pay $14 for a book when you can get it for $8?
Still, I thought I’d mention it in case anybody wanted the trade edition with what I consider to be the cooler cover. Get it before it’s gone …
So tomorrow is Halloween. It’s never been a holiday that’s excited me all that much. Probably because when I was a kid, I wore the same costume every single year — a black witch’s hat, a black cape, and a plastic orange pumpkin for collecting all that sugary goodness.
Seriously. I never remember going as anything else. (My mom didn’t have a lot of extra money for a costume.)Â But as long as I got candy, I was pretty happy.
Sadly, this year, I will be at home, cleaning mounds and mounds of papers and other debris off my desk and generally trying to get my house into some kind of cleanly shape. Luckily, though, I have a candy dish full of dark chocolate to console me while I work. Yummy! 😉
What about you guys? What are you dressing up as for Halloween? Going out with the kids or no? And most importantly, what’s your favorite candy?
Mine is those dark chocolate Godiva bars filled with raspberry you can get at most department stores. Mmm … 😈
I was wondering how deep we’d get into October/November before I had to break out the many, many layers of clothes I have to wear in order to keep warm in my icebox of an office.
The answer: Oct. 27.
Layers worn: 4.
And what did I see on my way to work yesterday morning? Snow! Seriously. Little hard pellets of snow gusting around.
There was nothing to worry about on the roads, but it was still weird, because it’s really early for snow here. We usually don’t see any white stuff until down in November, around Thanksgiving.
Wonder if the early snow means we’re in for a cold, snowy winter …
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