So a couple of fall TV programs have already started. And of course, TV junkie that I am, I’ve been watching. Here’s what I think of some shows so far:
Gossip Girl: I heart Chuck and Blair. Need I say more? I think they’re one of the most fascinating couples on TV right now, and the first two episodes of Gossip Girl have only made me root for them even more. That scene at the end of the first eppy where Blair told Chuck that she was his if he’d just say that he loved her … wow. Just wow.
C&B are definitely the highlight of the show for me. But I’m also interested to see how Nate’s affair with the married woman plays out and Jenny’s internship with Eleanor’s company. So far, it’s all been soapy drama at its finest.
Prison Break: Yeah, this show probably should have ended two years ago after the brothers broke out of prison, but I keep watching. You know what? I’m really digging the premise this season where the brothers and their ragtag band of frenemies are working together to take down the Company. But then again, I love caper books/shows/movies.
I think Michael Rappaport is a bit miscast as the FBI (or whatever department he’s with) boss/liason. He’s not quite serious/tough enough. But I’m really glad they brought Sarah back and didn’t kill off Gretchen (just yet). Would it be too much to ask for a knock-down, drag-out fight between Sarah and Gretchen?
Fringe: This is the new show by J.J. Abrams about an FBI agent who investigates strange phenomenon with the help of a slacker genius and his previously institutionalized scientist father. I thought the pilot was a bit slow in the beginning. Overall, it was okay, but I have a feeling the show’s going to be a little too X-Files for me (I’m not a huge fan of sci-fi).
Also, I kind of felt like I’d already seen everything before in other Abrams’ shows. The tough heroine (Sydney on Alias, Kate on Lost); the brilliant but slightly psycopathic father (Jack Bristow on Alias, Christian Shepherd on Lost); the daddy issues (Sydney/Jack on Alias, Jack/Christian/Claire on Lost); the big, shadowy conspiracy (SD-6/Rimbaldi on Alias, Dharma Initiative/etc. on Lost).
All writers tend to repeat the same themes/ideas (yes, even me) whether it’s conscious or not. Usually, it doesn’t bother me. But there were so many things that were so obviously the same in Fringe. It was a little disappointing.
Overall, Fringe didn’t immediately hook me the way Alias and Lost did. Although I did think Dr. Bishop’s various ramblings were amusing. And the scene with the cow was funny. So I’ll keep watching for a few more weeks at least.
As for other shows, I’m eagerly awaiting the return of Chuck and How I Met Your Mother. 😎
What about you guys? Which shows are you loving? What are you looking forward to? Share in the comments.