So I watched the season finale of Lost last night. Warning: There be spoilers ahead.
Overall, I thought it was a good, but not great finale. Mainly because I could see where so much of the story was going. Two weeks ago, I predicted Sawyer was going to jump off that helicopter to save the others. And he did — proving in my opinion that he is a much better hero and match for Kate than Jack ever will be. And that scene of Sawyer coming up on the beach without his shirt? Yum. 😎
There was a lot of back and forth action tonight. To the helicopter, to the boat, back to the helicopter, to a life raft, to another boat. But we finally got some answers to the question of how the Oceanic 6 got off the island (they were on the helicopter when the freighter exploded). Although did anyone else think it was exceptionally convenient that none of the other background crash survivors on the freighter tried to get on the helicopter as it took off?
I think Michael died in the freighter explosion, given the fact he saw Jack’s dad who told him “he could go now.” But I don’t think Jin is really dead. He’s probably washed up back on the island (wherever the heck it went) by now. Besides, if they kill Jin off, they’re down to only a few main characters on the island — Locke, Sawyer, Juliet, Bernard, Rose, and the three science-types (of which Dan the math guy is the only one I like). But it looks like the island folks saw the freighter explode and will probably assume Jack, Kate, etc. are dead — until Jin washes back up on shore.
I loved the scene with Penny and Desmond. I think that was a perfect way to close out their story arc — and I hope the writers don’t ruin it by having Ben kill Penny. I was also happy they didn’t kill Frank the pilot off. And that fight scene with Sayid and Keamy was excellent.
So was Sun through the whole show — especially when she offers to team up with Widmore (I’m thinking she blames Ben for Jin’s supposed death, not Jack). Seems Sun’s father knows Widmore well enough to play golf with him. What will happen if Ben sends Sayid to kill Sun for working with Widmore?
As for Ben and Locke, it seems to me that all Terry O’Quinn does now is beam with some sort of childlike wonder. And why doesn’t somebody just kill Ben already? It was clever though how he used his daughter’s murder to justify killing Keamy — and thus blow up the freighter. Ben didn’t want anyone to get off the island, despite what he told Kate.
We also know that yes, Losties, you can time travel on and off the island. That video Locke was watching also stopped at another convenient point. And moving the whole moving the island bit? Meh. For me, the characters make the show, not the weird and illogical sci-fi stuff the island supposedly can do. Also, the island being sentient sounds like a load of hooey to me. But I’m not a big sci-fi fan.
As for Jack, I’m tired of him, his daddy issues, his guilt, and that nasty beard. And Claire — she had a whopping thirty seconds of screen time last night. Is she dead? Alive? A ghost? I don’t really care much about the Shepherd clan anymore.
Still, the finale hooked me enough to keep watching next year. I’ve got so much time invested in the show know I almost have to watch it until the end. Seems I can’t get off the island either. 😎
What about you? Did you dig Lost this year?
BTW, I plan to recap some more of this year’s shows next week.