So, here are some writing-related things I need to get done this fall. I’m going to give myself a deadline of Oct. 31. We’ll see how that goes …
1) Take my first draft of Bigtime 5, aka Fangirl, and write a better, longer second draft. Something that actually makes senses and reads like a real book. 🙄
2) Finish and send the paranormal spy book, Live and Let Spy, to the agent.
3) Set up local book signings in November for Hot Mama.
4) Contact my local media about Hot Mama and set up some interviews.
5) Finish tweaking the Web site and add new art for Hot Mama release in November.
6) Do the copy edits/page proofs for Bigtime 3, aka Jinx (although I probably won’t get these until November or later).
7) Get bookmarks made for Jinx.
8) Start thinking about Bigtime 6, aka Superstar. It’ll be about Kelly Caleb, the TV reporter for the Superhero News Network.
9) Contact folks about blogging in November for Hot Mama release.
10)Â Write something new that’s not a Bigtime book. (More on this to come).
What about you? What sort of writing-related things do you hope to get accomplished this fall? Inquiring minds want to know …