I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, but today, I’d like to spotlight some people who’ve helped me out during this whole book process.
There are mean and nasty and ugly people in the world, but there are also lots of nice, thoughtful folks who are willing to help out a newbie like me, especially within the romance writing community.
So, here we go, in no particular order:
My agent and editor, of course. Without them, there would be no Karma Girl.
Margaret Elsea, Kathryn Nichols, and Dottie Leonard with the Sullivan County library system, along with the Friends of the Thomas Memorial Branch Library for always being interested in and asking about my work.
Meljean Brook, who gave me some great information about comic sites.
Edie Ramer and the other gals at Magical Musings for letting me guest blog — and for always having something interesting to say themselves.
To everyone (like the folks at RWA or Romantic Times) that I have ever e-mailed with a stupid question. Thanks for answering.
To the folks who’ve e-mailed me and said how much they were looking forward to the book. Thanks for your notes. I really do appreciate them, and I hope that you enjoy the book.
To my significant other, for putting up with my insanity this last year, listening to me babble on about contracts and deadlines and other things, and telling me to just relax.
And to my mom, because everybody knows, you always gotta thank your mom. 🙂
What about you? Who’s given you a helping hand recently? Inquiring minds want to know …