‘Tis the season for holiday celebrations. Woot! 😎
I will spend some time with Little Debbie and Kitty Boodle, along with my dad and stepmom. Food will be eaten, presents will be opened, and Boodle will get lots of scritches.
I also hope to have lunch – and/or a hot chocolate-dessert meetup – with some friends. I also like to text/call/message my cousins and other friends who live in different states and let them know that I’m thinking about (and missing) them.
One thing I do that’s a little unusual is that I will usually start taking my tree down on Christmas Day. As soon as we open presents, I am itching to put all the decorations away, put all the furniture back where it is supposed to go, and clean up my glitter-ball disaster of a house.
Christmas is over, nothing to see here, time to move on.
I enjoy the holiday season, although all the cooking, shopping, wrapping, and decorating is a *lot* of work. So is the family drama that so often comes along with holiday gatherings. Don’t forget to take care of yourself during this busy, stressful time of year.
I was going to do some yoga, but as you can see in this photo, Kitty Boodle decided she wanted to plop down on my old yoga mat. She looked so cute that I took her picture. ? #Iameasilyswayedbycuteness
I hope everyone has a great holiday season filled with family, friends, food, and all the things you love, along with great new books to read.
Thank you for reading. Cheers to all!
What are some of your holiday celebrations/traditions?