So, I went to the store yesterday and stocked up on Christmas supplies. Wrapping paper, tape, cards, bows. I’ve got enough for the whole family.
I also bought some presents. People in my family get the same thing year after year. Not because I’m not creative when it comes to shopping, but because that’s what they really, really want.Â
One grandmother gets a gift card to Wal-Mart. Another receives her favorite Chantilly bath powders. My grandfather gets shaving soap. The mom receives syllacrostic puzzle books. My significant other gets books. And the list goes on …
I know I’m being anal. After all, it’s only Nov. 5, but I’m seriously thinking about wrapping some of the stuff I bought yesterday.
This year, more than ever, I’m feeling the pressure to get all my holiday shopping/decorating/baking done and out of the way. I just have so much other stuff going on — work, editing my latest book, a possible weekend trip, doctor’s appointments … The approach of the holidays is adding to my stress level.
And, the truth is, I like to get stuff done ahead of time. Even as a kid, I’d do my assigned summer reading the week after school let out so I’d have the rest of the summer off to play and do whatever I wanted to. In college, I did assignments as soon as my professors gave them to me. At work, it’s the same way. I have to get things done before I can really enjoy what I’ve accomplished. The holidays are no different. When I get the tree up and most of the presents wrapped, that’s when I really relax and enjoy the spirit of the season.
What about you? Do you do your holiday stuff early? Or wait until the last minute? Inquiring minds want to know …