Watched Heroes again this week.
Still loving it, particularly Hiro, who managed to convince his friend that he wasn’t nuts and can actually teleport himself through time and space. Using the comic book as a guide was really cool, too. Whoever does the art for the show deserves a big thumbs-up.
The two of them are so going to meet up with the split-personality stripper. I can’t wait. 🙂
The telepathic cop had a little more to do this week, which was cool, and we finally got a glimpse of Sylar, the baddie. Well, not much of a glimpse, but we know that dude is powerful. It’ll be interesting to see how the heroes come together to defeat him. If that, in fact is the plot hook this season.
I sort of hope they do it like Buffy and have one major villain a season. That’s the best way to do a show like this. Have the heroes beat the baddie in May as a reward to the fans and then start fresh again in September. I’m so over shows like Lost that haven’t answered questions they started with two years ago.
And the ending with the cheerleader … I won’t spoil it for those of you who haven’t seen it, but yikes! It was a total, total shock. Just when I think TV can’t surprise me anymore something like that happens.
Until next week …