All writers dream of getting “The Call.” That first phone call when your agent or editor phones you and tells you that yes, someone wants to publish your book. It’s a wonderful feeling, the highest of highs.
But reality eventually sets in.
And you realize that now you have to sell the *@$! thing. That you getting another book published will depend, in part, on how well Book 1 does.
And the desperation sets in.
You get out there and talk to everyone you come across about your book. Order your friends and family to buy it (sorry, Mom, no freebie for you). Bully your co-workers into picking up a dozen copies for Christmas presents. Accost total strangers in the grocery store and demand that they stop at B&N on their way home.
And this is you being restrained.
But you can’t help it — you’ve got desperation fever.Â
I’m feeling a touch warm myself, right now. And my book won’t come out until May. I can’t imagine the pressure on other authors to deliver big sales numbers all the time. I also can’t imagine badgering someone to buy my book when they’re trying to pick out the perfect watermelon. I hope I don’t sink to that. But the fever’s got a hold of me …
What about you? Do you get desperation fever when your latest book comes out? Inquiring minds want to know …