My perusal of new TV shows continues. Watched Smith last night. It’s on CBS and is about a crew of professional thieves. They knocked over an art museum. A woman got tasered. People died. Stuff blew up. And I liked it. 😉
And the show made me think … why do we like to root for the bad guy? We all do it from time to time. C’mon. Admit it. There’s a villain out there somewhere that you secretly want to win. You want Mr. Bad Guy to kick the hero’s ass, thwart the authorities, and convince the heroine to ride off into the sunset with him.
Sometimes, the villain is what really makes a story sing. Just look at the comics. Where would Batman be without the Joker? Or Professor X without Magneto? Or Spider-Man without Green Goblin? Snoresville, most likely.
What about you? Do you want the bad guys to win sometimes? Inquiring minds want to know …