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Mythos Academy e-bundle available …
I’ve been meaning to mention this for a while now, but my publisher has released an e-bundle for my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series. What’s an e-bundle? Basically, it’s just when a publisher decides to package several books in a series together for one price. In this case, the Mythos Academy e-bundle includes the First Frost prequel e-story, →
Widow’s Web blog tour coming up …
Just a quick note to let everyone know that the blog tour for Widow’s Web will be kicking off around Aug. 18 and running through about the first week of September. I’ll be doing a lot of excerpts this time around, and I’m trying to do them in order. So if you follow the blog tour and read the excerpts, →
Elemental Assassin short story in The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance …
I’ve mentioned this before, but I want to remind everyone that there is an Elemental Assassin short story in The Mammoth Book of Ghost Romance anthology. Here’s the book description: A wonderful collection of stories of supernatural love by Sharon Shinn, Dru Pagliasotti, Caridad Pineiro, Jennifer Estep, Gwyn Cready, Carolyn Crane, Jeannie Holmes, Anna Campbell, Julia London, Christie Ridgway, Holly →
RWA conference wrap-up …
I attended the annual Romance Writers of America conference, held this year in Anaheim, California, on July 25-28. RWA is always fun, and it’s always cool meeting so many other folks who love books. Here are some of the things I did during the conference: WEDNESDAY I had breakfast with the editor of my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy →
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