So look what showed up in my e-mail last week — the preliminary cover art for Venom. So cool! So shiny! So cool! So shiny! Okay, I’ll quit gushing now. 😉 Seriously, though, I think this is another awesome cover. What really impresses me about it are the colors — I can just imagine how pretty they’re going to look →
Category: About Books
The bookmarks are here …
Guess what I got in the mail? The bookmarks for Web of Lies. Huzzah! And believe me when I say that these are some pretty nice bookmarks. They’re 2-by-8 inches on thick, sturdy, glossy paper. Kudos go out once again to Kelley and the other folks at Iconix, the company that prints my bookmarks. They really do put out a quality product. →
Timelines …
So I’ve talked about copy edits and page proofs, and now, I thought I would share a rough timeline of when I get them in regards to when the book is published. So here’s an example of a rough timeline of a book based on Web of Lies, which comes out on May 25. When I turned the book in: Winter/spring →
Page proofs …
In addition to working on copy edits for Venom, I also finished up page proofs for Web of Lies this past weekend. So here’s a little bit about what page proofs are: So after I sent my copy edits back, a few weeks later I’ll get what are known as page proofs — or the typeset version of the manuscript. →
The copy edits are here, the copy edits are here …
Since I just finished up the copy edits for Venom, I thought that I would talk a little bit about what the heck copy edits are in the first place. Here goes: Basically, a manuscript goes through a couple of different stages as it is turned into a book. First, I turn my manuscript in, and my editor reads it →
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