I don’t know if you’ve been following all the talk about Amazon deranking books, but Dear Author and Smart Bitches have some interesting commentary up, as usual, and lots of links to other sites. So go forth and read, if you want. Whenever I hear stories about something like this or even horror stories about authors behaving badly, I always →
Category: About Books
‘Tis done … for now
So I finished writing/editing/polishing my young-adult fantasy, Quiver, this weekend. Now, it’s time to send it to my agent to read. Quiver word count: 74,000. I’m not quite sure if this is the right length for a YA or not. I’ve been reading some YA lately, and it seems to me like the length varies wildly from book to book. →
Just a reminder …
That I’ll be doing a Q&A on writing and signing books tonight, April 13, starting at 7 p.m. at the Bristol Public Library in Bristol, Va. The event should last about an hour or so and is part of the library’s celebration of National Library Week, April 12-18. Even if you can’t come to my event, I hope you’ll go to your →
Today’s post …
Is over at Something Wicked. And there’s a giveaway. Check it out! :ww:
Today’s post …
Is over at Fangs, Fur, and Fey. The site is doing something new and running a topic of the month that members are asked to write a post on. This month’s topic asks how authors write — if they start with a synopsis or outline before they start a new book. You can see my post and several others over at →
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