I’m going to be doing quite a few guest blogs in September in honor of Jinx’s release, so I thought I’d give you guys the roundup: Aug. 28: My regular post at Romancing the Blog and another one at Magical Musings. Aug. 31: Fantasy Debut Sept. 2: Danette’s Chatting Lounge Sept. 4: Simply Romance Sept. 8: Tote Bags ‘n’ Blogs →
Category: About Books
Weekend plans …
Okay, I’ve been goofing off all week reading and watching the Olympics. Time to get back in the saddle, read through the second draft of Assassin 2, and get to work on that. And think about where I want the story to go in Assassin 3. I also think I’m going to work on some workshop proposals for RWA Nationals next →
Recommendations, please …
I’m a little burned out reading paranormal romance and urban fantasy right now, so I’ve been thinking about picking up some romantic suspense, epic fantasy, and young adult books. I was wondering what books y’all would recommend in the genres. I’m especially interested in romantic suspense right now. So far I’ve read and enjoyed Anne Stuart’s Ice series, and I plan on getting more →
A Jinx review …
So it’s time for the Jinx reviews to start trickling in. Here’s what Romantic Times magazine had to say about the book in the September issue, courtesy reviewer Susan Mobley: This addition to Estep’s superhero series is packed with action, humor, romance, a touch of sorrow and just plain fun. The main characters are a delight, especially the hero, and the →
‘Tis done … for now …
In between reading and watching the Olympics this weekend, I actually got some book stuff done and finished my second draft of Assassin 2. And it’s a really good second draft. Much better than my normal craptastic second draft. Around 100,000 words, and it probably only needs some minor polishing and tweaking before I send it to my agent for her →
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