The awesome Jackie Kessler and her character Jezebel have interviewed yours truly and Bella Bulluci, star of Jinx, the third Bigtime novel (due out Sept. 2). You can check out the interview here. Thanks so much Jackie!Â
Category: About Books
Burn, baby, burn …
I saw this on HelenKay Dimon’s blog and just had to post about it. There’s a Burn Notice book out! It’s based on the summer television show, which I totally love. I am so getting this book. And the best news? On Amazon, one of the reviews says this is the first of three books. Huzzah! 😎
Best intentions …
Somehow, despite my vow to whittle down my TBR pile, it remains at around 15 books. My own fault, really, since I took some books to the used bookstore to trade in and came home with three more. Sigh. Although in my defense two of the books are really short — The Unhandsome Prince by John Moore and one of →
It’s scary out there …
So the big story in the book world this week is the release of Breaking Dawn, the last book in Stephanie Meyer’s Twilight saga, which folks have been anticipating almost as much as the last Harry Potter book. People seem to either love or hate the book. Those who love it, really love it. Those who don’t, well, you can read →
Hot Mama re-release …
So today’s the official release day for the mass market version of Hot Mama. Way back when I started out writing my very first (and very, very crappy) epic fantasy book, I dreamed of getting one book published. I never imagined I’d have three out or that two of them would be available in different formats. It’s really cool and →
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