I just realized that the mass market paperback version of Karma Girl goes on sale a month from today on July 1. So pre-order away! And is anyone else freaked out that it’s almost July already? Where did the first half of the year go? Bueller? Bueller?
Category: About Books
Bond, James Bond …
There’s a new James Bond book out. It’s called Devil May Care by Sebastian Faulks. It’s sad how happy this makes me. 😎 I told myself I wasn’t going to order any more books from Amazon until I read some that I already had. But it’s Bond … and I’m weak, very weak. We’ll see how long I can hold →
The great blue middle …
I spent most of my holiday weekend working on the second draft of Assassin 2. I wrote 8,869 words and now have about 82,000 total. I managed to move from chapter 13 all the way up to chapter 21. Only about 10 chapters to go. The end is almost in sight. Unfortunately, this is always the hardest part for me. →
Words of the week …
There was an interesting post over at Fangs, Fur, and Fey this week talking about authors who blog and how much of their work they share online. One person commented that she likes to see a sentence or two from daily writing. I thought this was a cool idea and thought I would share a paragraph I’ve written this week. →
Summer fun …
Holy summer, Batman! :batman: Can you guys believe it’s almost Memorial Day? With the longer days and lack of good TV to watch (except for The Closer and Burn Notice, which I am eagerly awaiting), I tend to be more productive in the summer as far as writing goes. I thought I’d share some of the stuff I’d like to →
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