I had the most fun at RT on Friday. My presentation was over, and I could just relax. It always takes me a couple of days to get into the swing of thing at conferences, and I hit my stride on Friday. I started off the day by going to two urban fantasy panels and listening to folks like Kim Harrison, Jackie →
Category: About Books
The sixth RT post …
After exploring Pittsburgh on Thursday afternoon, Wheezley decided to nap, so I went to the annual Fairy Ball. I’d heard a lot of folks liked to dress up for the evening events at RT, but frankly, I don’t have any costumes and it was one less thing I had to worry about packing. So I went downstairs in my pink sweater →
The fifth RT post …
After I did my workshop Thursday morning, Wheezley (the siginificant other) and I decided to get out and see Pittsburgh. Our first stop was lunch at Grille 36, the restaurant owned by former Steelers running back Jerome Bettis. Wheezley is a big Steelers fan, so this was a must-stop for us. The weather was so nice, we decided to sit →
The third RT post …
All right. Let’s talk about the fun stuff — the convention itself. I’ve been to the annual RWA conference a couple times now, but this was my first RT. Everybody says the two events are completely different. They’re right. RWA is definitely more business-oriented than RT, which is more about fans and fun. But at their core, both events celebrate books, readers, authors, and great →
The second RT post …
On Wednesday, Wheezley (the significant other) and IÂ left Erie behind and schlepped back down to Pittsburgh (passing many more dead deer along the way). Again, not much to see until we got to Pittsburgh. Seriously, there aren’t even gas stations by the side of the interstate, just deer stands and the occasional barn/farm. But we reached Pittsburgh soon enough. The →
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