It’s official. The second book in my Bigtime series will be callled … Hot Mama. It’s about a superhero with fire-based powers whose love life is about to crash and burn. I love the title. But … it’s the one that I came up with for the book. Any author will tell you that titles usually change — sometimes three or →
Category: About Books
Coming soon to a store near you …
This week, I started contacting local bookstores and libraries about doing some book signings for Karma Girl. When I get the dates and locations, I’ll post them here and on the Appearances page. Stay tuned for more …
My resolutions …
Since it’s almost New Year’s, I’d thought I’d share some of my resolutions. I won’t bore you with the 30 or so that I usually write (yes, Virginia, I really write that many), but here are my top five writing-related ones. 😉 1) Write two more Bigtime books — Jinx and either Black Widow or Nightingale. 2) Write two Spy Girl →
They shoot authors, don’t they?
I did something last night that I’m not particularly proud of. I decided to put aside the book I was reading — without finishing it. It was a paranormal romance, and I just didn’t get it. Didn’t understand how the magic worked, and didn’t really care about the characters. I worked my way up to page 90 before I decided to call →
What’s in a genre?
There was a good post this week over at Romancing the Blog that talked about how people who read romance will read other genres. And how people who don’t read romance tend to turn their noses up at it. And what we can do to change this. I started thinking about genre fiction in general and how all categories have →
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