Today, I thought I would share my book release schedule for 2015. Just keep in mind that this is subject to change. Also, my books usually come out the last Tuesday of the month before they are published. For example, Cold Burn of Magic is a May book, which means it will be out on April 28, the last Tuesday before →
Category: About Books
More Gin on the way …
So I have some good news to share. A couple of months ago, I announced that I would be writing at least one more Elemental Assassin book after Black Widow. Well, that deal will now be for two books. So there will be at least two more Gin books after Black Widow. 🙂 Spider’s Trap, Elemental Assassin #13, is scheduled to →
New books for the TBR pile …
So what books did Santa bring everyone for Christmas? And is it sad that I still get excited about getting books as presents? 🙂 Here are some of the books that I received over the holidays. Note that the descriptions are from Goodreads. The Demon King by Cinda Williams Chima Amazon / Barnes & Noble / iTunes My thoughts: I’ve →
Guest blog: Rebecca Zanetti …
Today, I’m pleased to welcome New York Times and USA Today bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti to my blog. Rebecca writes several different series in a variety of genres, including paranormal romance and romantic suspense. Take it away, Rebecca: Q&A WITH REBECCA ZANETTI Jennifer: Welcome, Rebecca! Please tell readers about your upcoming book, Marked, which will be out on Dec. 22. →
Black Widow, Elemental Assassin #12, released …
Black Widow, Elemental Assassin #12, has been released today, Nov. 25. Woot! Woot! I hope that everyone enjoys Gin’s latest adventure, especially her long-awaited smackdown with M.M. Monroe. This book was definitely one of the most fun for me to write in the entire series, and I hope y’all enjoy it. Black Widow is available print, e-book, and audio editions →
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