Well, it’s finally here. It’s May 4, which means that The Avengers movie is finally in theaters. Huzzah! I’ve really been looking forward to this one. I’m not sure if I’ll get to see it this weekend or not, but I’ll definitely be going to the movies sometime in the next few days to watch it. Also, tomorrow, May 5, →
Category: General musings
Blogging break …
I’m taking a break from blogging for the next week or so. I figure many folks (including me) will be busy with Easter events the rest of this week. I’m going to color Easter eggs with my mom. We heard somewhere that it’s good luck to color eggs, so it’s something we do every year as our own holiday tradition. →
Reading e-books on your computer …
I’ve gotten several e-mails recently asking if there will ever be any print versions of any of my e-books or stories. The answer? Not at this time. Right now, there are no plans to produce print versions of any of my e-books or e-stories. This includes Thread of Death, First Frost, and the Bigtime e-books (although you can still find →
RT Booklovers Convention …
I wanted to let everyone know that it looks like I will be going to the RT Booklovers Convention, April 11-14, in Chicago. If you’ve never been, the RT convention is a really fun event with tons of panels, parties, and a big, Saturday book signing that features hundreds of authors. I’ll be participating in a couple of panels and →
You say potato, I say potato …
A while back, I wrote a post about some regional words that I use in my books. Today, I thought I would talk a little about pronunciation. Just like words, pronunciation varies widely from region to region (not to mention accents). Simple words always seem to trip me up the most. For caramel, do you say car-mel or car-a-mel? I →
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