Karen Mahoney left a comment this week wanting to know how she could add my blog to her Google reader. I’ve had a couple other folks ask me about this, so here’s the answer. According to my Web site guy, the supercool Justin Knupp, if you want to add me to your Google reader (or whatever), here’s the link you need: https://www.jenniferestep.com/blog/?feed=rss2. Karen (and whoever →
Category: General musings
For a good cause …
Author Brenda Novak’s annual diabetes auction kicked off on May 1. The event runs through May 31. There’s lots of cool stuff to bid on again this year. Trips, editor and agent critiques, autographed books, etc. Just about everything book-related you could ever want — and then some. Even better, the money raised goes to a good cause — diabetes →
Turn, turn, turn …
Is it just me or has this year flown by so far? It seems like I get up in the morning … and then I’m getting up the next morning … and then I’m getting up the morning after that. Almost like I’m stuck in a time loop like in Groundhog Day or something. Or this one episode of Xena: →
Librarians make the best friends …
So I’m going to Romantic Tmes convention in a couple weeks’ time. My friend Amy happens to live up that way. And she happens to be a librarian. Author … librarian … librarian … author … instant event! 😎 So the plan is for me to sign books and chat with folks at the Corry Public Library in Corry, Pa. from 6 or 6:30 →
Bookish guilty pleasures …
I’ve talked about television, movies, and music. Now, let’s look at books and guilty pleasures. Probably my main guilty pleasure when it comes to books is westerns. I. Love. Westerns! In my younger years, I read the Laura Ingalls Wilder books too many times to count. (Although for some reason, Alonzo’s book was always my favorite). I also discovered the Wagons West series by →
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