Time to talk about musical guilty pleasures. I have to admit I’m not a big music person in that I don’t read or think or critique music the way I do book, movies, and television. I listen to radio and my CDs, but I very rarely buy new CDs — I’d say less than five a year. But I still enjoy →
Category: General musings
Big screen guilty pleasures …
So, this is my second post about guilty pleasures. I’ve talked about television already, so let’s look at the movies. Of course, I’ve seen all the James Bond movies too many times to count and am eagerly looking forward to the next one in November (eight months and counting down!). Hopefully, it will rock as much as Casino Royale did. →
If loving you is wrong, I don’t want to be right …
They’re making an A-Team movie! It is sad how insanely happy this makes me. The movie will probably be terrible, as so many of the television show movie remakes have been in recent years (The Dukes of Hazzard, anyone?), but I’ll be one of the first people in line to see it. Which brings me to my topic of the day — →
Dragging along …
Does anybody else feel really draggy and lethargic today? Or is it just me? The spring time change always messes with me, especially this year, since it’s so, so early. There’s still a week of winter left, but now, it’s going to be daylight until eight o’clock. It just seems wrong. Or maybe I’m feeling tired because I’ve been sick for →
Like sand through the hourglass …
Where the heck did January go? Seems like just yesterday, we were ringing in the new year and making resolutions and stuff. Now, I’m already turning the page on my calendar over to February. And realizing I need to get into high gear and get some things done before March. Sigh. Here’s what I’d like to get done in February: →
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