It’s a bird. It’s a plane. It’s an Internet sensation. It’s … I Can Has Cheezburger? This site has fun with animal pictures (mostly cats) and photo captions. My significant other is totally addicted to the site. He’s a huge cat person. The folks over at Dear Author also use lots of pictures from the site to great effect. Anyway, →
Category: General musings
I’ve been a bad, bad girl …
So, I did something I shouldn’t have this weekend. I went to Mr. K’s, a used bookstore — and brought home an armful of books. I shouldn’t have done this for several reasons. First of all, I already had about 10 books at home in my TBR pile. Not counting all the Buffy, Angel, and Wonder Woman comics I need to read. But →
The stereotype is alive and well …
The Smart Bitches and Diana Peterfreund have some interesting posts up regarding a letter a journalist from the Washington Post sent to a group of romance writers asking for information for a Valentine’s Day piece. Go read it for yourself. As a professional journalist, I would never, ever send anyone a letter like that. I don’t even know that I’d →
Break down …
So, a couple months ago, I started taking yoga classes. I’m not weirdly bendable at all, but I like it and it’s good for me. It’s exercise. It can’t hurt, right? 🙄 A new yoga/pilates studio recently opened in my area, and last night, I decided to go beyond yoga and try a pilates class. I think I broke my →
Holding out for a hero …
So, Nalini Singh is running a pretty cool contest over at her blog to celebrate her February release, Mine to Possess. Basically, she wants folks to talk about their favorite romance heroes. My favorite hero? The Beast in Beauty by Robin McKinley. Technically, it’s a young adult novel, but who cares about technicalities? At its heart, the book is a beautiful →
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