In case you haven’t noticed, I’ve added several more links to my blog roll on the right-hand side of this page. Authors, review sites, more places to buy my books … I’ve added them all, and straightened up the categories a bit so you know what’s what. Why did I add these links? Lots of reasons. Some authors I sort of →
Category: General musings
Have a great holiday …
Hope everyone has a safe and happy Fourth! And please take a moment to reflect on the freedoms we have because of the sacrifices of countless men and women over the years. Have a great holiday! 😎
Parties, parties, parties …
If you’re a romance writer, you know that the annual RWA conference is less than a month away. I’ll be one of about 2,000 folks attending. There are lots of workshops and book signings and events planned — includes parties. Parties, parties, and more parties. More parties than any one person has time for. I’ve been trying to figure out →
Hug or handshake?
Went to my cousin’s wedding reception this weekend. (Just the reception, she actually got married in Hawaii the week before.) Very nice reception. Great food. Good atmosphere. Awesome wedding cake (almond and other flavored layers with raspberry glaze). And lots of relatives there. Lots and lots of cousins. Seriously, like 30 of them. I never know whether to hug people or →
Better than a cover model, baby …
Romance writers sometimes get accused of writing about unrealistic men. Of making up guys who do and say things no mortal man ever would. I frequently accuse my significant other of crushing romance under his shoe like a bug. And then, he goes and does something totally sweet and unexpected. On Saturday, he surprised me with a silver necklace in →
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