Things I have to be grateful for this Thanksgiving: 1. My family, significant other, and friends. 2. My health and general well-being, and that of those I love. 3. The kindness, generosity, and valor of others, whether it’s the troops overseas, police and firemen here at home, or the woman at the mall who holds the door open for you when your arms are →
Category: General musings
Bring on the turkey, baby
Out of all the holidays on the calendar, Thanksgiving is definitely my favorite. It’s about three things — food, family, and football — and it’s one of the simplest holidays around. All you have to do is cook a little bit (or a lot if you like), show up for the family shindig, eat too much, and spend the rest of the afternoon →
The rush is on …
So, I went to the store yesterday and stocked up on Christmas supplies. Wrapping paper, tape, cards, bows. I’ve got enough for the whole family. I also bought some presents. People in my family get the same thing year after year. Not because I’m not creative when it comes to shopping, but because that’s what they really, really want. One →
To LASIK or not to LASIK …
So, I’m thinking about getting LASIK surgery. I’ve actually been thinking about it for a long time now and have finally worked up the nerve to have the consultations done to see if I’m a good candidate. Has anyone out there had the procedure done? Do you love it? Hate it? Inquiring minds want to know …
God’s going to get me …
I’ve heard horror stories about authors who get snarky comments about writing romance novels, but I’d never actually seen it happen. Until today. I’m sitting at a long table with a couple of other authors at the women’s expo I attended. Two women walk up and start talking to one of the authors about her books. The conversation goes something like →
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