
Enter to win an ARC of KILL THE QUEEN, Crown of Shards #1, Oct. 2 …

I have 5 print ARCs (advanced reading copies) to give away for Kill the Queen, which will be out on Oct. 2. Woot! 🙂

To enter the giveaway, fill out the form at the bottom of this post.

Kill the Queen is book #1 in my Crown of Shards epic fantasy series. As of right now, there will be three books in the series.


Ebook: $10.99 at these sites:

Amazon Kindle / Barnes & Noble Nook / Google Play / iBooks / Kobo

Print book: $16.99 at these sites:

Amazon print / Barnes & Noble printBooks-A-Million / IndieBound

If you pre-order the print book, you can probably get it a little cheaper since retailers usually give customers the lowest price before release day.

Audiobook: The audiobook will be available in digital and CD formats:

Amazon audiobook / Audible audiobook / Amazon MP3 CD

Book description: And here is the book description.

The thrilling first novel of the Crown of Shards epic fantasy series combines magic, murder, and adventure when a member of the royal family becomes a contender in a clash for the crown… 

In a realm where one’s magical power determines one’s worth, Lady Everleigh’s lack of obvious ability relegates her to the shadows of the royal court of Bellona, a kingdom steeped in gladiator tradition. Seventeenth in line for the throne, Evie is nothing more than a ceremonial fixture, overlooked and mostly forgotten.

But dark forces are at work inside the palace. When her cousin Vasilia, the crown princess, assassinates her mother the queen and takes the throne by force, Evie is also attacked, along with the rest of the royal family. Luckily for Evie, her secret immunity to magic helps her escape the massacre.

Forced into hiding to survive, she falls in with a gladiator troupe. Though they use their talents to entertain and amuse the masses, the gladiators are actually highly trained warriors skilled in the art of war, especially Lucas Sullivan, a powerful magier with secrets of his own. Uncertain of her future—or if she even has one—Evie begins training with the troupe until she can decide her next move.

But as the bloodthirsty Vasilia exerts her power, pushing Bellona to the brink of war, Evie’s fate becomes clear: she must become a fearsome gladiator herself . . . and kill the queen.

In other words: I’m pitching the book as Gladiator meets Game of Thrones with a kickass heroine.

Read the first chapter: To read the first chapter, go here, scroll down, and click on the Read Excerpt tab.

The giveaway is open to those 18 and older and U.S. addresses only, due to postage costs. Void where prohibited. To enter the giveaway, fill out the form below.

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135 Responses to “Enter to win an ARC of KILL THE QUEEN, Crown of Shards #1, Oct. 2 …”

  1. Raonaid Luckwell says:

    Right now I’ve read most of the upcoming books I have been waiting for. LOL. I’m a reviewer so that probably explains it. LOL

  2. Joanne Careri says:

    Kill the Queen sounds so good! Aside from this, can’t wait to read the next instalment of Elemental Assassins series.

  3. Van p. says:

    Looking forward to read Kill the Queen! And the final book in the Kate Daniels series, Magic Triumphs.

  4. Gidget says:

    Kill the Queen has really caught my attention. I’m really looking forward to that release. The closest release I’m super excited for is Shadow’s Bane by Karen Chance. I love everything she writes.

  5. Jacy says:

    I am really looking forward to Night and Silence (October Daye), Storm Cursed (Mercy Thompson) and Kill the Queen because I love your stories!

  6. Kim Heniadis says:

    I love your Elemental Assassin series, and am really looking forward to this new series!!!

  7. Jennifer says:

    Other than Kill the Queen, Magic Triumphs and Summoned to Thirteenth Grave. I can’t wait to see how those series wrap up.

  8. Jessica Hannan says:

    This is super cool of you. Honestly. Right my book budget is beyond zero. It’s like…negative twelve. (Bless libraries.) So the opportunity to try and win is a big deal. Even if I don’t win, it’s nice to see a kind of give back for those that do.

    • Jessica Hannan says:

      I’m kind of excited for all the books, honestly. I took a long break from reading, my head space wasn’t right. So starting your latest series is a way to be a part of it from the beginning. All books are kind of new joys and anticipations now that my mind’s knitted itself back together and I’m no longer lost in the Twisted Kingdom. Alyssa Cole’s A Duke By Default is straight up my kinda tropes.

  9. Barbara Elness says:

    I’m looking forward to reading Kill the Queen of course. As well as anything else you write. 😀

  10. Jocelyn says:

    So excited for to read another series! Don’t ever stop writing! Love all your heroines!!

  11. Deborah D says:

    Kill the Queen by you and When Fire Rains Down (Kingdom Come, Book Three) by Cecelia Earl.

  12. Bernie L Hollingsworth says:

    I so love Gin Blanco and am really looking forward to starting a new adventure with Lady Everleigh!

  13. Patrick chicoine says:

    Its URGENT ,nead that book right now , like always sure to be very gooooood ! 😉
    Thanks Geny

  14. DeeAnna Swanson says:

    I’m so excited to read Kill the Queen!!! Thank you for the opportunity to win an ARC! Xox

  15. Shannon Propst says:

    I’m looking forward to many, many books. The first that comes to mind is the final book in the Throne of Glass series by Sarah J. Maas, Kingdom of Ash.

  16. L ross says:

    So excited for the new series! Guess I’ll need to channel some Gin Blanco patience by counting to 1000000000!

  17. Alan & Ann Madison says:

    My family and I love Gin’s stories and are looking forward to this new series.

  18. Shannon Murphy says:

    I guess it’s not an “upcoming” book, but I loved the Mythos Academy series and I’m looking forward to reading Spartan Heart. After that, I guess it’s on to Kill the Queen and the Elemental Assassin series.

  19. Ivy D says:

    Thanks for the chance. Love getting in on the beginning and fantasy is a favorite genre.

    • Ivy D says:

      That’s hard. At this point I’d like to catch up, then get started on new books.

  20. Stephanie Ellsworth says:

    So excited for a chance to win and that ur coming out with a new series. I love ur gin blanco series and the mythos series too. Camt wait for this book

  21. Adrienne says:

    I’m interested to read this new series but I can’t get enough of Gin Blanco.

  22. Brenda Rumsey says:

    What a great start to a series. I’m hooked. Would love to read and review this book.

  23. Nora-Adrienne Deret says:

    At the top of my TBR list is anything by a “little known” author named Jennifer Estep. She seems to just have a way with words that keeps me entertained thru the whole story.

  24. Sandy McMahon says:

    Kill the Queen of course, I’m also a huge fan of Gin and the Elemental Series! I’m also looking forward to JD Robb’s and JR Ward’s next releases!☘️

  25. Susan Wilkinson says:

    In addition to your book now, I’ve been waiting for the delivery of Pale As Death.

  26. gaill kreis says:

    just got venom in her veins and looking forward to new series to kill the queen. Jennifer has great characters and compelling stories.

  27. Melissa Boley says:

    So many books to read! Reading thru Project Lit books for work right now. Have added this to my “want” list!

  28. Abigail Brewer says:

    I’m looking forward to Death of Gods, book three in the Vampire Crown series, and (of course) Kill the Queen, which sounds insanely up my alley. I can’t wait to read it!

  29. desiree says:

    wow that would be hard i love to read any thing i can get my hands on so i love what coming out and try to get all new one coming out

  30. Linda Pierce says:

    I am looking forward to this new series of yours. I am also looking forward to Faith Hunter’s new book in the Nell series.

  31. Jacqulenne Robbin says:

    I am such a huge fan and I would be very grateful and honored if I could receive an ARC of the Kill the Queen. I’m very excited about the new release! I am such a huge fan of the Elemental Assasin series ️️️ Can’t wait to jump into the book and learn about Lady Everleigh and Bellona! It sounds so awesome!

  32. Chele says:

    I’m looking forward to so many good books coming up, I can’t just pick a few to list, but I’m definitely looking forward to Kill the Queen!

  33. Denise Elrod says:

    Hot diggity!! A new Jennifer Estep series!! I have enjoyed the others so very much!

  34. Sissy Satterfield says:

    I love all of your Elemental Assassin books, own them all. I enjoyed the Big Time series & own them as well. I would LOVE to read Kill the Queen. I would love to own a print copy but I would be happy with an ebook as well. I have enjoyed your writing and bought all of the two series that i am a fan of. Thanks for the opportunity.

  35. Anje Arriola says:

    I am really looking forward to Kill the Queen and the next Gin book!! The other book I am excited about is Apocalypse by Trina M. Lee

  36. Ree Breckel says:

    I adore all of the Elementa Assassin books, and am eagerly awaiting this new series!

  37. Deana Fruth says:

    I am looking forward to anything good – I visit the site “New In Books” and start making a list every week. Read mainly mysteries, YA and Urban fantasy.

  38. susan beamon says:

    This book is good to look forward to. Different topic. Blood of Heroes kind of thing. Would love to have the ARC.

  39. Jennifer says:

    Besides Kill the Queen (CAN’T WAIT!!) I’m getting ready to read Jonas by K.F. Breene

  40. Judi Soderberg says:

    I’d love an ARC copy! I didn’t even know you wrote YA books! If that’s what this is. I love Elemental Assassin so I’m pretty sure I’d love anything you wrote.

  41. BookLady says:

    I am looking forward to Kill the Queen, Venom in the Veins, Stygian by Sherrilyn Kenyon, and Time’s Convert by Deborah Harkness.

  42. Bill b. says:

    If kill the queen is as good as the assassin series I HOPE THE SERIES WILL NEVER END.

  43. Lynn says:

    Love the excerpt. I’m also looking forward to Ilona Andrews’s Magic Triumphs, Peter V. Brett’s The Core, and John Scalzi’s The Consuming Fire.

  44. Lingeorge says:

    I absolutely love Gin Blanco and the Spider series – I am going to have to jump in and try this one.

  45. JenM says:

    Aside from Kill the Queen (sounds fantastic!) I’m looking forward to The Bride Test by Helen Hoang. Her recent book, The Kiss Quotient, was fantastic.

  46. Kai W. says:

    I’m looking forward to reading Elemental Assassins. I haven’t started this series yet.

  47. Emily Grace says:

    “Kill the Queen,” of course, but I am also awaiting Chloe Neill’s new series, Heirs to Chicago.

  48. Crystal says:

    I am looking forward to kill the queen and the other mythos academy books! I have been addicted to Jennifer Estep since I started reading her MYTHOS ACADEMY series and to have a spin-off series is just too cool!!!

  49. Sue C says:

    I don’t know who will get to read Kill the Queen first. Will it be my niece or me? Either way, I can’t wait!

  50. Lynnette Allen says:

    I have so many books I’m eagerly awaiting: Archangel’s Prophecy, Wild Country, Storm Cursed, Leverage in Death. . . Now I am eagerly awaiting this series – it sounds amazing!

  51. Samantha says:

    I’ve been rereading a few series: Kim Harrison, Ilona Andrew’s, Nalini Singh. Next up is Laurell K Hamilton.

  52. Kayla Mangelo says:

    Thanks so much for offering the giveaway! Besides this book, a couple I’m looking forward to are serpentine bu laurell k Hamilton, kingdom of ash by Sarah j maas, and sea witch by Sarah Henning

  53. Mike Smith says:

    I love your Elemental Assassin series and I am so looking forward to getting hooked on another one of your series 🙂

  54. Sherrie Wood says:

    I have enjoyed all of books about the Elemental Assassins. Generally she basically just gets out alive and she is just a great kick-ass person. I would love to read and give an honest review of Kill The Queen.

  55. Jennifer Beyer says:

    Well Kill The Queen is on my list this year! For the first time in years, I don’t know what’s coming out this year! Ugh!

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