So I have some cool news to share — there will be at least one more book in my Elemental Assassin series after Black Widow comes out on Nov. 25. Woot! Woot! I’m so excited to be able to write another adventure with Gin and the gang. 🙂 As of right now, it looks like Elemental Assassin #13 will be out →
Tag Archives: About Books
For what it’s worth …
Note: I talked about this last week over at Magical Musings and wanted to share it on my site as well. There’s been a lot of debate this summer over what the price of e-books should be. E-books should be $9.99 or less. E-books should be $3.99 or less. E-books should be 99 cents. Pfft. Whatever, dudes. Because you know →
Guest blog: Mandy Baxter on U.S. Marshals …
Today, I am happy to welcome Mandy Baxter (aka Amanda Bonilla) to my blog. Mandy’s new romantic suspense book, One Night More, comes out on Sept. 2. As Amanda Bonilla, she writes the Shaede Assassin urban fantasy series. Q&A WITH MANDY BAXTER Jennifer: Welcome, Mandy! Please tell readers about your upcoming release, One Night More. Mandy: Thanks for having me →
Checking out the TBR pile …
So I thought I would share some books that are waiting in my TBR pile and some others that I am looking forward to that are being released soon. Silly work, getting in the way of my reading time. LOL. Note: The descriptions are from Goodreads. Ruin and Rising by Leigh Bardugo The capital has fallen. The Darkling rules Ravka →
Poison Promise, Elemental Assassin #11, released …
Poison Promise, Elemental Assassin #11, has been released. Huzzah! As always, I hope that everyone enjoys reading about Gin’s latest adventure. Poison Promise is available in print, e-book, and audiobook formats from all the usual retailers, including the following: Amazon / Barnes & Noble / Books-A-Million / iTunes / Kobo / IndieBound The audio book is available through Audible, and →
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