Is over at: Chloe Neill’s site — as part of her Show Your Work event
Tag Archives: About Books
Carniepunk e-book on sale for $1.99 through Oct. 21 …
I wanted to let everyone know that the e-book version of the Carniepunk urban fantasy anthology is currently on sale for $1.99. So if you’ve been wanting to check out the entire anthology, now is the time to do it. From what I’ve been told, the e-book sale will run through Oct. 21. The e-book is on sale at a →
Killer Frost update …
With the release of Midnight Frost back in August, I’ve been getting some questions about Killer Frost, the sixth book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series. First of all, here is the cover for the book at left. Killer Frost is set to be released in March 2014, which means that the on-sale date will be Feb. 25, →
Today’s post …
Is over at: Magical Musings I’m happy to announce that I have joined Magical Musings as one of the group’s bloggers. My posts will appear about every four weeks or so, usually on Tuesdays. I’ve been a fan of the blog and friends with some of the authors for a long time. A big thanks to Edie, Michelle, Liz, and →
And the title is …
Today, I’m pleased to share the title and release date for Elemental Assassin #11. And the title is … drumroll please … Poison Promise. Huzzah! I really like this title, which my editor, agent, and I all brainstormed together to come up with (although I think my agent is the one who actually suggested it in the end). I think →
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