I have one print ARC (advanced reading copy) for Midnight Frost that I’m going to give away here on my blog. Midnight Frost is the fifth book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series that will be released on July 30. Here is the description for the book. Note that this does have some spoilers for Crimson Frost, →
Tag Archives: About Books
Guest blog: Jess Haines on Urban Fantasy and Strong Heroines …
Today, I’m pleased to welcome Jess Haines to my blog. Jess is the author of the H&W Investigations urban fantasy series, which includes the upcoming book, Forsaken by the Others, out on July 2. Take it away, Jess: URBAN FANTASY AND STRONG HEROINES Hello there! Jess Haines here. I’m the author of the H&W Investigations series — urban fantasy novels →
Parlor Tricks (Carniepunk) story available as a free e-download …
I have some cool news to share. To help promote the Carniepunk urban fantasy anthology that’s out on July 23, one of the short stories in the anthology is being offered as a free download — and that story is Parlor Tricks, my Elemental Assassin story. Huzzah! Carniepunk: Parlor Tricks is available as a free e-download starting today, June 3. →
And the winners are …
The three winners of the Carniepunk ARCs are: Bethany Tiffany D. Twiser Congrats! You guys have until midnight, EST, Sunday, May 26 to e-mail me or I will pick other winners. Thanks again to my editor for letting me host the giveaway and to everyone who left a comment. I’m glad that folks are looking forward to the anthology. It’s →
Carniepunk ARC contest …
My editor has generously offered to let me do a giveaway of three ARCs (advanced reading copies) of Carniepunk, the urban fantasy anthology that will be released on July 23. Here’s the anthology description: A star-studded urban fantasy anthology starring bestselling authors Rachel Caine, Jennifer Estep, Kevin Hearne, Seanan McGuire, and Rob Thurman, and including Delilah S. Dawson, Kelly Gay, →
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