So today, I thought that I would share the e-book cover for Deadly Sting, the eighth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series. The cover at left is what you will see if you buy the e-book. However, the print books will have a step-back cover, just like Widow’s Web did. That means that on the Deadly Sting mass market →
Tag Archives: About Books
Nightingale, Bigtime book #4, e-published …
I’m happy to announce that I have e-published Nightingale, the fourth book in my Bigtime superhero paranormal romance series. Huzzah! Here’s the book description: Anxious brides. Drunken businessmen. Panicked partygoers. As Bigtime, New York’s premiere event planner, Abby Appleby is capable of handling almost any crisis, but even she’s not prepared when she finds herself in the middle of a →
And the winner is …
The winner of an e-copy of Stardust Miracle by Edie Ramer is: Amy R. Congrats! You have until midnight, EST, Sunday, Oct. 28 to e-mail me or I will pick another winner. Thanks again to Edie for doing the guest post and to everyone who left a comment.
Guest blog: Edie Ramer on Yum-yum love …
Today, I’m please to welcome Edie Ramer to my blog. Edie is one of my author friends. She’s the author of Stardust Miracle, Dead People, and other books. Take it away, Edie: YUM-YUM LOVE One of the things Jennifer and I have in common is a love of cheese. A few years ago, she recommended a favorite cheese brand to →
Midnight Frost back cover copy revealed …
So I can now share the back cover copy for Midnight Frost, the fifth book in my Mythos Academy young adult urban fantasy series. However, please tote that this does contain some spoilers for Crimson Frost, the fourth book, which won’t be published until Dec. 24. So if you don’t want to be spoiled, you may want to skip reading →
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