The winner of an e-copy of His Very Own Girl by Carrie Lofty is: Andrea M. Congrats! You have until midnight, EST, Sunday, Sept. 30 to e-mail me and tell me what kind of e-copy you want so I can get your book sent to you. After that, I will pick another winner. Thanks again to Carrie for guest blogging →
Tag Archives: About Books
Guest blog: Carrie Lofty on the Romance of WWII …
Today, I am pleased to welcome Carrie Lofty to my blog. Carrie is the author of His Very Own Girl, a World War II romance which was recently released, along with other historical romances like Flawless and Starlight. Take it away, Carrie: THE ROMANCE OF WWII Some readers have asked why I chose to set a romance in the midst →
Deadly Sting cover art and cover copy revealed …
Deadly Sting outer cover Deadly Sting inner cover Today, I am pleased to share the cover art for Deadly Sting, the eighth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series. Once again, the book will have a step-back cover, just like Widow’s Web did. That means that on the Deadly Sting mass market print books, that the red flap (above left) →
And the winners are …
The winners of Kristen Callihan’s giveaway of Firelight and Moonglow are: Viki S. Whitewolfreads Congrats! Winners, you have until midnight, EST, Sunday, Sept. 23 to e-mail me your addresses so I can get your books sent out to you. After that, I will pick other winners. Thanks again to Kristen for guest blogging and to everyone who stopped by and →
Guest blog: Kristen Callihan on First Loves …
Today, I’m pleased to welcome Kristen Callihan to my blog. She’s the author of the Darkest London historical paranormal romance/urban fantasy series. I met Kristen this year at RWA, and she was nice enough to agree to do a guest blog for me. Take it away, Kristen: FIRST LOVES We all remember our first love. Especially when it comes to →
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