Okay, so I promised to share some more details on Spartan Frost, the e-story that I’m writing from Logan freaking Quinn’s point of view. First up, here’s the description, although please note that this does contain some spoilers for Crimson Frost. So If you haven’t read that far in the series yet, you may want to skip reading the description: →
Tag Archives: On Writing
And the ARCs go to …
The randomly selected winners of the three print ARCs (advanced reading copies) of Deadly Sting, the eighth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series, are: Demi Bradley Samantha Dawson Celeste Stahl Congrats, winners! You have until midnight, EST, Sunday Feb. 24 to e-mail me your mailing address so I can send the ARCs out to you. After that, I →
ARC giveaway for Deadly Sting …
My editor was nice enough to send me three print ARCs (advanced reading copies) of Deadly Sting, the eighth book in my Elemental Assassin urban fantasy series that will be out on March 26. I haven’t done a giveaway here on the blog in a while, so I thought that I would offer up the three ARCs for giveaway. To →
My release schedule for 2013 …
Today, I thought I would share my release schedule for 2013. As of right now, I should have a total of four books, a short story, and an e-story out in 2013. The release schedule is as follows. Please note that the print and e-books should be available the last Tuesday before the official release month: January: Crimson Frost (Mythos →
Conference schedule for 2013 …
I’ve been getting some questions about whether or not I have any book signings planned for this year. Really, conferences are the main places that I sign books at, so I thought I would share my conference schedule for 2013: May 1-5 — RT Booklovers’ Convention in Kansas City I always have a good time at RT, and I hear →
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