
To LASIK or not to LASIK …

So, I’m thinking about getting LASIK surgery. I’ve actually been thinking about it for a long time now and have finally worked up the nerve to have the consultations done to see if I’m a good candidate.

Has anyone out there had the procedure done? Do you love it? Hate it? Inquiring minds want to know …

2 Responses to “To LASIK or not to LASIK …”

  1. Meljean says:

    I haven’t had it done (I’ve been wanting to for years, though, and eventually will) but two of my aunts have gone through the procedure, and it worked really, really well — and the recovery time was incredibly short. One aunt doesn’t wear glasses or contacts now, and the other just has to wear reading glasses.

  2. Jennifer Estep says:

    Thanks for sharing, Meljean. I think I’m going to bite the bullet and have it done — if I don’t chicken out. And if my credit card can take the strain. 😉

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