The randomly selected winner of the ARC for Everything I Know About Love, I Learned from Romance Novels is:
Nora, who left this comment: Congrats on the book, Sarah! I’ve loved SBTB for a long time, although I mostly lurk. I can’t tell you how many new authors I’ve been introduced to through your reviews and those of your commenters. So glad to see so many smart gals singing the praises of the genre.
Congrats, Nora! Please e-mail me your snail mail address, and I will pass it along to Sarah. You have until noon, Monday, Sept. 19 to get your information to me or I will have to pick another winner.
Thanks again to Sarah for guest blogging and to everyone who dropped by and left a comment. There are so many great things about the romance genre, and it was great seeing everyone talk about some of their favorite books. Happy reading, everyone!